Octaform and Fitec Team Up to Improve Performance and Feasibility of Sand-Bedded Dairy Biogas Projects
Octaform Systems Inc. and Fitec Environmental Technologies Inc. Join Forces to Improve Performance and Feasibility of Sand-Bedded Dairy Biogas Plants
The biogas industry has struggled to find a cost-effective way to extract valuable biomethane from the large resource potential of the over 4000 U.S. dairies that use sand-bedding for their cattle. Octaform and Fitec have now joined forces to offer a solution to this challenge – an affordable self-cleaning digester that can operate continuously without costly downtime and cleanouts.
Octaform Systems Inc., a global leader in PVC lined concrete biogas tanks, and Fitec Environmental Technologies Inc., a leading North American biogas design and engineering company have partnered to offer a packaged digester solution for sand-bedded dairy feedstocks.
With several projects already completed handling feedstocks with high levels of contamination and grit, the two innovators will officially unveil their solution with an emphasis on U.S. dairies at the American Biogas Council’s ‘Biogas Americas’ conference next week.
The combination of Fitec’s Self-Cleaning Digester and Octaform’s technology improves project returns by ensuring tanks remain free of grit accumulation and maximize plant uptime and performance, while ensuring reduced risk and capital costs. Octaform tanks extend the service life of the facility and reduce ongoing maintenance and downtime requirements.
“We have been very impressed with Fitec,” says Tony Pantages, President, Octaform, “particularly on ZooShare, Canada’s first zoo biogas project; the primary digester receives a wide range of manures and source-separated organics with over 5% contaminants, 50% of which is grit. A year in, the floor sweeper is keeping the tank free of accumulation. There are several digesters of this type worldwide that have been in service with no clean-outs for over a decade.”

Even with advanced pre-processing for sand removal, sand-bedded dairy digesters still receive between 1% and 5% fresh weight in sand, which quickly leads to reduced energy-producing capacity. The continuous use of the Fitec floor sweeper eliminates costly cleanouts and lost gas production, improving the financial feasibility of these projects.
Tom Ferencevic, CEO of Fitec, comments, “We’re really excited to further solidify this partnership. We have delivered multiple projects with Octaform tanks and have been impressed not only with cost savings but the speed of installation. Octaform offers assurance against leaks, corrosion, and other performance issues. On our last project, Octaform came in at about 10% less than a coated concrete tank but offers a permanent PVC liner. Compared to steel tanks in North America, Octaform tanks are coming in 30-40% less expensive with similar service life expectations and great thermal performance.”
Octaform’s system offers a cost-effective tank solution that is highly resistant to corrosion, carries a 20-year warranty, and can be easily shipped and installed anywhere in the world and assembled with a high ratio of low-high skilled labor.
“This packaged offering will help developers and other EPC partners reduce costs and improve the viability of sand-bedded dairy and other projects with high residual contamination,” says James Carter, Vice President, Water & Environmental Solutions Leader, Octaform. “We see a big opportunity to create value from waste and to work with partners throughout North America to make sure projects become a reality. We look forward to some great discussions with partners in the months to come.”
is a process equipment supplier and design and engineering company with 17 years of experience providing cost-effective, robust, and reliable solutions to organic waste and anaerobic digestion industries across North America. Fitec presently has five biogas plants completed in Canada, five more in the design stage, and one under construction in Mexico. Their specialization is in high-performance system designs that can handle high total solids and highly abrasive and contaminant-laden feedstocks. They provide hands-on operation and biological support via unique tools that allow owners and operators to maximize their financial returns on their projects.
offers a proven stay-in-place tank formwork plus a permanent liner system. This is used as a simple, cost-effective forming and protection for a wide range of containment tank applications, including water, wastewater, aquaculture, and over 215 biogas tanks in operation worldwide, all performing as new. The PVC liner requires no maintenance and provides a corrosion-resistant finish extending the performance and service life of tanks. Octaform offers a 20-year warranty for biogas tanks.